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Hirpora: An  expedition like no other

To conquer the challenging 8 passes, one must possess exceptional endurance, physical prowess, and mental fortitude.
05:00 AM Sep 14, 2024 IST | Riyaz Kazmi
hirpora  an  expedition like no other

A  trekking expedition requires meticulous planning, patience, and like-minded individuals. It pushes individuals to their limit, demanding physical and mental endurance, as well as a strong sense of teamwork, and selfless leadership. The collective success of the expedition is indeed the heart and soul of these adventures. While individual goals and achievements are important, the shared experience and collective triumph of the group is what makes trekking expeditions truly special.


When individuals work together towards a common goal, they develop a sense of camaraderie, trust, and mutual respect. The shared challenges and obstacles foster a strong bond among team members, creating a sense of belonging and shared purpose.


The success of the expedition as a whole is often more meaningful and memorable than individual accomplishments. It's the collective effort, teamwork, and shared experience that create lifelong memories and a sense of pride and accomplishment.


As the famous mountaineer, John Muir, once said, "When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world." Similarly, when individuals work together towards a common goal in a trekking expedition, they find themselves connected to something much larger than themselves.


August 25th, 2024, will be etched in our memories, as on that day we 'Badamwari Atheletes' embarked on an epic adventure to Hirapora falling under the jurisdiction of three districts namely Shopian, Poonch & Rajouri of J&K. Although we were uncertain about what lay ahead, but our friend Mauzam from Shopian (Kashmir Backpacker) took the initiative to obtain the trek permission from the Administration and provided us with the valuable insights about the upper reaches of Hirpora. He selflessly shouldered the responsibility. With Mauzam's efforts, Zahid Kota's & Bilal Beigh's  leadership, we were ready to face the challenges of Hirpora, an expedition that would test our limits and create lifelong memories.


The logistics expertise of Mohammed Umar, a veteran trekker, ensured a smooth start to our journey at 4:30 a.m. on August 25th, 2024. As we reached Peer Ki Gali at 9:30 a.m., the biting cold and fatigue began to take their toll. But, the warm welcome and invigorating Kehwa at Peer Ki Gali Astan proved to be just the tonic we needed to refresh and refocus for the day's adventure.


At Dongi Marg, negotiations with the horse owners proved challenging, as they initially demanded exorbitant rates. Eventually, we agreed on a price, and they took charge of our backpacks, carrying them up to Chandansar. With our trekking gear in place, we traversed through Namdan meadow and Nanga Pahad, making our way to Nandansar. Most of the team members arrived by 12:15 pm, but our trek leaders, along with the horses, were nowhere to be seen.


After a patient wait, we discovered that the horses had slipped and scattered our belongings at multiple points. Fortunately, they arrived at Nandansar by 4:00 pm, and we collected our belongings, setting up camp at Nandansar. We organised our gear and meticulously planned our route to explore the lower/upper reaches of Hirpora.

On the first day, we explored the lower lakes, and the next day, we decided to depart at 5:00 am for the upper reaches. In the evening, we prepared a hearty meal, savoured Pulao and other delicious dishes. Although we retired by 10:00 pm, the persistent barking of the Bakerwal dogs made a good night's sleep elusive.

On the 2nd day, as planned, we departed from the base camp at dawn's break and crossed the Hundolsar pass with the swift pace of Arabi Goudas. We then headed towards Ropri Pass, navigating a safe climb through the rocky terrain. As we reached the top, we were awestruck by the breathtaking sight of Baghsar Lake, the largest and most majestic lake in Hirpora. Overwhelmed with wonder, we proceeded to explore the hidden gems of this uncharted terrain, uncovering its secrets and marveling at its untouched beauty. Conquering Dakiyarsar was our ultimate objective, we were determined to overcome the challenging and technical pass that stood in our way. With unwavering resolve and unrelenting effort, we successfully achieved our goal, triumphing over the obstacles and reaching the coveted destination.

After safely exploring all the lakes, the team members did the rigorous circuit trek to reach the Nandansar base camp at 7:30 pm, marking the triumphant end to an extraordinary adventure. This expedition stands as a testament to the team's unwavering endurance and enthusiasm, forever etched in our memories for overcoming relentless challenges and successfully exploring 22 Alpine Lakes.

With breakfast energising us and our backpacks secured, we set off at 9:00 AM, ready to conquer the steep incline from Nandansar to Nanga Pahad's towering peak. The ascent took around an hour, and as we reached the top, the rain began, casting a mystical spell. We carefully made our way down, mesmerised by the breathtaking scenery and the surreal beauty of Namdan meadow, bathed in the cool rain. Our trek ended at Peer Ki Gali by 1:00 PM, where we boarded our vehicle, bound for Srinagar.

Word for wise:

The Hirapora expedition demands utmost respect, as it's a formidable journey reserved for seasoned adventurers. To conquer the challenging 8 passes, one must possess exceptional endurance, physical prowess, and mental fortitude. Approach this undertaking only with thorough preparation and a deep understanding of its demands.
