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Heating arrangements in schools

07:30 AM Oct 22, 2023 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
heating arrangements in schools

After the recent snowfall in upper reaches of Kashmir and subsequent cold, the early preparations for adequate heating arrangements in schools are needed. The authorities in government and private schools may say that it is too early to make the heating arrangements in the educational institutions. If there is no need to make the arrangements available right now, but there is surely a need to make  early preparations in this direction so that such a facility is provided in the schools well in time.


It has been noticed that providing the heating arrangements in the schools is the last priority. Consequently,  such facility is provided very late and in most schools the heating  arrangements are almost unavailable.


While efforts are being made to improve the overall conditions and infrastructure in schools, providing the heating arrangements at appropriate time too must be a priority for the concerned officials. Reports of lack of heating arrangements keep on pouring from the schools in various parts almost every year.


The  students  have to attend their classes amid intense cold. The officials should not wait for the closure of schools for winter vacations. Whenever or wherever the need arises for making the arrangements available, it should be done.


Heating arrangements at appropriate time must be a permanent practice in schools. Advance preparations should be made for this purpose. Sometimes when parents raise the issue during intense cold days, then only the process is started.


The process takes its own time. During that time the school children suffer in bitter cold in the classrooms. Reports indicate that most schools in  rural areas hardly provide the heating arrangements in classrooms. The students have no option but to attend to the classes in freezing cold. The heating arrangements must not remain confined to schools only.


Schools get closed for winter vacations earlier than  colleges and universities. The classes continue in colleges and universities  for some time even in harsh winter. Arrangements must be made available for students and teachers in colleges and universities as well.


The heating arrangements must be available also for some time when the schools reopen after winter vacations. Since the annual examinations are now being conducted in March, the proper heating arrangements have to be made available in examination centres as well during the cold.
