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Grief in old age 

Echoing the silent yearnings and emotions reverberating within the hearts of those left behind
12:03 AM Dec 30, 2023 IST | Guest Contributor

San’na Firdous

The hallowed valleys of Kashmir, adorned with beauty that breathes history, echo the silent ripples of an emotional saga—the ‘Nest Empty Syndrome.’ This emotional tapestry, woven intricately by the exodus of Kashmir’s youth seeking horizons beyond their homeland, casts a shadow that stretches far beyond geographical confines.


Deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of Kashmir is a reverence for intimate familial ties. Yet, the contemporary currents ushered in by the departure of younger Kashmiris in pursuit of education, career, or marriage outside their native realm disturb this age-old familial mosaic. As these youths chart their destinies, parents are left wrestling with an all-consuming sense of loss—a chasm in their lives that echoes with emptiness.

The repercussions of this societal shift reverberate profoundly among the elders. Their journey through the tempest of emotions, navigating the solitude that permeates their quieter households, not only strains their emotional fortitude but also endangers the inheritance and transmission of time-honored cultural values and traditions.


This generational shift inadvertently etches a divide within families, beyond just the immediate dynamics. It casts a looming uncertainty over the continuity of Kashmiri heritage, raising disquieting apprehensions about the dilution of ancestral wisdom traversing generations.

The multifaceted challenges faced by these elders stand testament to the intricate complexities engendered by this societal transition. The yearning for familial succor amid uncertainty often unfolds into moments of poignant neglect—a visual portrayal of parents navigating the uncharted territories of life without the presence of their grown-up children.

Yet, amidst this emotional labyrinth, communities have risen, weaving threads of hope. Initiatives such as senior homes offer sanctuary and solace, a haven for those grappling with the palpable solitude, echoing the tales of resilience embodied by individuals like Ghulam Muhammad and Ali Mohammad on the bustling streets of Kashmir.

This societal metamorphosis instigates a poignant introspection into fundamental values—of filial responsibility and communal support. It beckons a collective ethos to rekindle the embers of traditional familial bonds, fostering nurturing environs that honor and celebrate the sagacity of the elders.

The resonance of the ‘Nest Empty Syndrome’ transcends regional boundaries, echoing universal themes of the profound impacts of family dynamics on emotional well-being. It serves as a stark reminder, imploring society to acknowledge and embrace the emotional upheaval endured by the forsaken parents, urging a compassionate and empathetic response.

The façade of old-age homes, while offering sanctuary, also paints a bittersweet reality—a testament to the poignant search for alternate companionship and care in the absence of familial support. It underscores the need for a multifaceted approach to address this societal shift—balancing both practical solutions and emotional solace.

Amidst the evolving societal panorama of Kashmir lies a heartfelt plea—to safeguard the emotional fabric of families and extend unwavering support to the elders braving the tempestuous seas of the ‘Nest Empty Syndrome.’ It’s a call for a collective embrace, echoing the silent yearnings and emotions reverberating within the hearts of those left behind.
