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Gratitude in a Thankless World

01:00 AM Nov 12, 2023 IST | Syeda Afshana
gratitude in a thankless world

In a world filled with blessings, some people seem to miss the art of saying ‘Thank You’. Thankfulness, a virtue celebrated across cultures and religions, stands as a pillar of positive human interaction. A universally relevant statement is that those who fail to show gratitude to their fellow humans are unlikely to be grateful to God.


Some individuals find themselves entangled in the web of ungratefulness, a state where expressions of gratitude are scant. Being unappreciative can emerge from various sources, and understanding these root causes is crucial in addressing and overcoming this attitude.


A significant root cause of thanklessness lies in the deep sense of entitlement that some individuals harbour. This mindset revolves around the belief that every positive action directed towards them is not an act of kindness but something inherently deserved. Individuals trapped in this perspective tend to overlook or downplay the gestures of goodwill extended to them, and they may easily forget to appreciate the multitude of positive aspects in their lives. The sense of entitlement creates a lens through which they view the world, often blurring their ability to recognize and express gratitude for the positive elements surrounding them.


Another contributing factor to thanklessness is the lack of awareness. In some cases, individuals may be oblivious to the efforts invested by others on their behalf or unaware of the numerous blessings in their lives, resulting in a deficiency of gratitude. Cultural influences further play a pivotal role, as societal norms and cultural contexts can significantly shape an individual’s perspective on gratitude. Environments that prioritise self-centeredness over collective appreciation may inadvertently foster a sense of ungratefulness, where individuals fail to recognize and acknowledge the positive contributions and aspects in their lives.


Moreover, thanklessness can be fueled by constant comparisons and envy. Individuals who habitually compare their own situations to those of others or nurture feelings of envy may find it challenging to recognize and appreciate their own blessings, contributing to an ungrateful attitude. The constant pursuit of unrealistic expectations and perfection can further play a role in fostering thanklessness. This relentless pursuit may lead to dissatisfaction, overshadowing the ability to appreciate and express gratitude for the positive aspects of life.


Being unappreciative has far-reaching consequences, affecting both individuals and society as a whole. On an individual level, lack of gratitude can strain relationships, as others may feel unappreciated and undervalued, leading to a collapse in communication and connection. Likewise, thanklessness is closely linked to diminished mental well-being, contributing to increased stress, anxiety and a general sense of discontent.


On a societal level, pervasive thanklessness weakens the social fabric by eroding the spirit of cooperation and mutual support. A society lacking gratitude may experience hindrances in progress and general welfare, as the essential bonds that bind communities together become frayed.


Cultivating gratitude is essential for personal and societal growth. Research has consistently linked gratitude to improved mental health, increased life satisfaction and a more positive outlook on life. Being thankful contributes to overall good, building up a sense of contentment and appreciation for life’s blessings.

Expressing gratitude also strengthens interpersonal relationships, creating an environment where individuals feel valued and understood. This, in turn, strengthens the bonds between individuals, advancing a supportive and nurturing community. Gratitude has a positive ripple effect, inspiring others to engage in acts of kindness and contributing to the creation of a culture of appreciation.

Furthermore, gratitude equips individuals with resilience in the face of adversity. Acknowledging blessings, even in challenging times, provides a foundation for coping and navigating difficulties, promoting a positive mindset.
