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General Manager Northern Railway holds review meeting

07:30 AM Jan 12, 2022 IST | GK NEWS NETWORK

Srinagar: Ashutosh Gangal, General Manager Northern Railway held a review meeting with the departmental heads of Northern Railway through video conferencing, a press release said.

It added that deliberations were held on keeping focus on mobility enhancement and other developmental infrastructure works and freight loading. The Northern Railway maintained good record of punctuality and continue to emphasis on punctual running of trains.


Gangal reviewed the arrangements of COVID-19 in hospitals and directed that medicines of Covid-19 should be made available to patients and there should be no shortage of oxygen.

He said that safety is the prime focus over Northern Railway. The General Manager reviewed the work done over the zone in improving the maintenance standard of track, welds and removal of scrap lying near the tracks. He instructed the divisions on conducting regular inspections, monitoring and reviewing of works of mobility enhancement.


He said the monitoring of rail fractures and rail welds should be done regularly and no error should be left. Mangal emphasised on availability of locomotives and their timely and exhaustive maintenance and ineffective wagons should be remove from the stock.

The General Manager also emphasized on focusing on electrical safety on tracks as well as safety in relay and panel rooms for error free movement of trains. He stressed upon the minimising the human failure in train operation.
