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Finding Peace in Change

Profound insights into the universal process of aging and the importance of finding joy and meaning beyond former glories
02:20 AM Jun 23, 2024 IST | SHOWKAT RASHID WANI

Prof. Abdul Kareem (name changed) was a well-respected figure who had served as principal of one of the reputed colleges of the valley before retirement. A dedicated educator, he had spent decades imparting knowledge and shaping young minds at different colleges in the valley. His career was marked by numerous compliments and achievements, earning him a reputation as one of the most influential professors of his time. However, like all journeys, his professional life eventually reached its twilight. Upon retirement, Prof. Kareem found himself grappling with the stark contrast between his illustrious past and the quiet present. This is the story of how he navigated the transitions of retirement, society’s changing dynamics, and personal introspection, ultimately discovering peace and fulfilment in embracing the present. Through his experiences,

Prof. Kareem’s journey offers profound insights into the universal process of aging and the importance of finding joy and meaning beyond former glories. One day, Prof. Abdul Kareem decided to visit the college where he had spent the majority of his working life. He had retired from there years ago, but the campus still held many memories. As he walked through the familiar classrooms of college of education, he noticed how much had changed. The faces were new, and the atmosphere was different.


When he tried to strike up a conversation with the younger faculty members and students, they listened politely at first, but their eyes appeared dull and it seemed they lacked interest as he recounted stories of his past achievements. When he was delivering the lecture and was sharing his past experiences, during the middle of the session significant number of audience left and few mere making side talks, it appeared very few seemed interested and maximum audience were waiting for the session to end so that they can move for lunch. Prof. Kareem spoke of the major research projects he had led, the innovations he had introduced in his teaching methods, and the accolades he had received.

However, it became clear that the younger generation couldn’t relate to these tales. They were preoccupied with their current tasks and their own ambitions. His words seemed to fade into the background of their bustling academic environment. Later, Prof. Kareem attended a faculty gathering organized by his former colleagues. He was eager to reconnect and share old memories. But as the evening progressed, he noticed that the conversation revolved around new research trends, recent projects, and upcoming conferences. When Prof. Kareem tried to join in, referencing the strategies that had worked during his tenure, the discussion quickly shifted away. He felt like an outsider, unable to contribute meaningfully to the current topics. At family gatherings, Prof. Kareem experienced similar feelings. His children and grandchildren were absorbed in their own lives, talking about school, work, and the latest technological gadgets. When he attempted to share wisdom from his experiences, the younger ones politely listened but soon returned to their animated discussions.


He felt a growing distance, as if his stories belonged to a different era that no longer resonated with them. Even in his neighbourhood, Prof. Kareem felt the sting of being overlooked. New families had moved in, and the community activities he had once organized were now led by others. When he tried to participate, he found that his ideas were often dismissed as outdated. The neighbours respected him, but it was clear that they saw him as part of the past, not the present. Realizing that society was gradually eliminating him, Prof. Kareem chose to embrace the present. He understood that the world had moved on and that his former status held little relevance now. Instead of feeling disheartened, he decided to stop recounting old stories.

He shifted his focus to the joy of new experiences, no matter how small. Prof. Kareem found contentment in everyday moments, like a walk in the park, a chat with a neighbour, or a quiet evening with his wife. He discovered new hobbies, like gardening and painting, that brought him joy and a sense of accomplishment. By living in the present, Prof. Kareem found a sense of peace that reminiscing about the past could never provide. He learned to appreciate the small, simple pleasures of life and to value the new connections he made along the way. In doing so, he found fulfilment and serenity in this new chapter of his life.

The story of Prof. Abdul Kareem imparts several profound messages:

Acceptance of Change: Life is full of transitions, and accepting these changes rather than resisting them can lead to greater peace and fulfilment.

Letting Go of the Past: Holding onto past achievements and status can hinder personal growth. Embracing the present and focusing on new experiences is essential for continued happiness.

Finding New Joys: Even as former roles and identities fade, discovering new hobbies and interests can bring a renewed sense of purpose and joy.

Humility and Adaptability: Acknowledging that the world moves on and being open to change helps maintain harmony and relevance in different stages of life.

Cherishing Relationships: Valuing and nurturing relationships, even as they evolve, is crucial for emotional well-being.

Living in the Moment: Appreciating the present and finding contentment in everyday moments is more fulfilling than dwelling on past glories.

Enduring Faith and Inner Peace: Spiritual faith and a strong inner life provide enduring comfort and guidance amidst life’s changes.

Balancing the Past and Present: While it’s important to acknowledge and celebrate past accomplishments, it’s equally important to focus on the present and future. Finding a balance between sharing past experiences and engaging with current matters keeps conversations dynamic and interesting.
