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Today's Paper | Kashmir

Fatal road accidents

06:30 AM Oct 08, 2023 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK

Loss of precious human lives in tragic road accidents is happening  frequently now. Reports of such mishaps and subsequent deaths and injuries keep on coming from different parts of Jammu and Kashmir. Three persons were killed and five others injured in an accident at Sarhoa, Hambal in Marmat tehsil of Doda district. A 19 year old boy was killed in a road accident at Maloora HMT on the outskirts of Srinagar city. The road mishaps continue to occur frequently and it is being noticed that the accidents are on a rise.

While the road accidents causing deaths get reported in media, the other such mishaps leading to injuries usually go unreported. There is an immediate need to prevent occurance of the road accidents to save the lives and protect people from getting injured. Most road accidents occur due to violation of road safety rules. It must be ensured by the concerned department that the rules are followed in letter and spirit by those driving the vehicles . In fact those driving  must  themselves follow the rules for their own safety and also for the safety of others on the roads. The onus of following the rules lies on them. The rules must be followed by all in such a way that there is minimal need for traffic police personnel to stop anyone  and tell him  to follow the rules or book him for the violation of rules. But it is also a fact that a large  section keeps  on violating the rules from time to time and some of them are also  booked for doing so. But traffic police personnel cannot be present everywhere at everytime to check the violations. If the people follow traffic rules, the road accidents can be prevented or minimised.


Over-speeding, wrong over-taking, driving from wrong side and losing of concentration while driving are some of the reasons for the accidents. There are some other reasons also. Not using of helmets by those riding two wheelers or by the  pillion riders proves fatal sometimes during an accident. All precautionary measures are needed to be followed. If people continue to violate traffic rules, accidents will keep on increasing leading to more deaths and more injuries. Driving needs patience and driving is not like racing on roads. This patience is needed both during the peak hours of rush in the morning and evening besides the other times also. Those driving have to act like responsible citizens taking due care of themselves and also those on the roads.
