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Excise Deptt invites prospective bidders for pre-bid meeting of JKEL-2 vends

11:49 PM Feb 06, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE

Jammu, Feb 6: The Excise Department has invited the prospective bidders for pre-bid meeting of JKEL-2 vends to be held at Excise and Taxation Training Institute (ETTI), Nagrota on February 7 at 4:00 pm.

An official communiqué received in this regard reads, "In consonance with J&K Excise Policy 2024-25, bid document for e-auction of 305 JKEL-2 vends has been issued by the Excise Department J&K. The allotment of JKEL-2 vends commonly known as Wine Shops is being conducted in a completely transparent and secure mode through J&K Bank using https://jkexcisedept.auctiontiger.net portal".


The Excise Department requests all the prospective bidders to attend the pre-bid meeting on scheduled date, time and venue. Further, for the convenience of bidders, not stationed at Jammu, online facility is available at https://meet.google.com/drt-judj-ygy for their participation in the meeting. The expert teams from Excise Department and J&K Bank will be available at the venue to clear the doubts of the prospective bidders.

The department in close coordination with J&K Bank has also conducted training programme at the Excise and Taxation Training Institute, Nagrota from 5th to 6th February 2024 to familiarise and sensitize the prospective bidders with the procedure and criteria for bidding and to clear their queries about e-auction procedure, eligibility, mode of allotment, requisite documents, participation/EMD and Minimum Reserve Bid Price etc. Additionally, a departmental helpline number has also been set up (0191-4064440) to resolve the doubts of the prospective bidders.

