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Electric transformer non-functional for over 10 months in Haril area of Handwara

09:00 AM Aug 04, 2023 IST | TARIQUE RAHEEM
electric transformer non functional for over 10 months in haril area of handwara

Kupwara, Aug 4: The residents of Mukdam Mohallah (Ward 9), Haril in north Kashmir’s Handwara Sub District  expressed strong resentment against authorities for failing to make the newly installed electric transformer functional, resulting in severe hardships to the residents.


The residents said that they had been repeatedly appealing to authorities for an additional transformer and in September last year their demand was fulfilled by issuing them a new 100 KV transformer but strangely the transformer is yet to be made functional.


The residents said that an old 100 KV transformer does not bear the load of over a hundred households and gets damaged often. “After the new transformer we were hopeful of getting uninterrupted electricity but that could not happen,” Nazir Ahmad War, a local, told Greater Kashmir.


“We are unable to figure out why authorities are reluctant to make this transformer functional,” War added.


The residents said that they have brought this issue to the notice of the concerned department several times but nothing concrete has been done so far in this regard.


Meanwhile, Assistant Executive Engineer PDD Langate Mohammad Shafi said that he will take up the issue with the concerned agency. “I hope the electric transformer will be made functional soon,” he added.

