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Echoes of Empathy | Farooq Nazki’s Health Journey

He stressed the importance of recognizing the unique needs of seniors and providing specialized care that considers their overall well-being
12:00 AM Feb 11, 2024 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM
echoes of empathy   farooq nazki’s health journey

“Don’t leave Kashmir. Stay back and care for seniors like me here. I’ll be your first patient.” Late Aga Ashraf Ali shared these heartfelt words with me during my visit to inform him of my completion of specialization in geriatric medicine in 2010. I expressed my concern about the lack of geriatric medicine practices in Kashmir. However, he encouraged me by emphasizing that every new idea has to start somewhere, and he believed in me to be the one to pioneer it. He stressed the importance of recognizing the unique needs of seniors and providing specialized care that considers their overall well-being. In Kashmir, where many seniors’ children have settled outside the state, he underscored the crucial role of such care for our valley’s elderly population.


Once I began treating him as my first patient as a Geriatrician, he introduced me to most of his friends and family, expanding my practice to include them as well. Among his many friends, he also introduced me to Farooq Nazki Sahab, further broadening my network and opportunities to serve the elderly in our community.


Since then, I’ve treated over 40,000 seniors, and there are certain patients who stand out as memorable for a doctor. These patients become a reference point, someone a doctor always recalls. Farooq Nazki Sahab was one such patient for me. He left a lasting impression, not just because of his medical needs but also because of the bond we shared during his treatment journey.


Nazki Sahab was very good at following the advice given by doctors and sticking to the treatment plans they suggested. This is really important because when patients like him cooperate well, it helps the doctors take care of them better and makes them feel better too. So, by listening to what the doctors said and doing what they recommended, he played a big part in making sure he stayed healthy and felt good.


He believed in the doctors and trusted that they knew how to help him get better. He listened to what they said and followed their advice. This trust and respect between patients and doctors are really important because it helps them talk openly and understand each other better. When patients trust their doctors, they feel more comfortable sharing their concerns and working together towards their health goals.


Nazki Sahab showed something truly special: he was patient and understanding. This means he knew that when you’re getting medical treatment, it can take a while before you start feeling better. Sometimes, there are good days, and sometimes there are tough days. But Nazki Sahab understood this, and he didn’t lose hope. He stayed patient, even when things didn’t improve right away. This patience is really important because it helps you stay strong during the healing journey, even when it’s not always easy.


After setting up the Geriatric Department at JLNM Hospital, I arranged the first-ever geriatric conference in Kashmir at the hospital in 2018. We invited some senior patients, including Nazki Sahab and his better half, to attend. He was delighted to be part of the event. Despite being one of the intellectual icons of Kashmir, he humbly introduced himself as my patient. During the conference, he spoke about the importance of geriatric medicine and how he benefited from treatment under geriatric protocols.


Despite facing health challenges, Nazki Sahab always stayed positive about his treatment and getting better. He believed that staying positive could really help him heal and feel better overall. This positive attitude made a big difference in how he dealt with his health issues and how well he recovered.

While Farooq Nazki Sahab was very engaged in discussing his health, asking questions, seeking clarification, and sharing his concerns, he never resorted to Googling about the medicines I prescribed or the diagnosis I made. He also never tried to sway my opinion with his own thoughts when it came to prescriptions. His active participation in his own care gave him the confidence to make informed decisions about his health.

He made important changes in his lifestyle, just as I suggested. He was always open to making these changes for his health, never resisting or hesitating. Nazki Sahab showed that he could easily adjust to the new lifestyle and diet suggestions for better health. Being adaptable like this helped him handle any changes in his treatment plan or healthcare routine. This ability to adapt is really helpful for patients because it lets them deal well with any new medical needs or situations that come up.

One of Farooq Nazki Sahab’s wonderful qualities was his ability to communicate effectively over the phone (telehealth). He could clearly explain his symptoms, worries, and what he preferred in terms of treatment. This made it easier for me to understand his condition and provide the right diagnosis and care tailored just for him.

It’s not common for patients to take charge of their health, but Nazki Sahab did just that by following the self-care practices I recommended. Being proactive about self-care is really important for staying healthy and getting better. Additionally, I observed that he had empathy and compassion for the paramedics and his caregivers. These qualities are very important because they help create a caring and supportive healthcare environment where everyone feels respected and supported. This kind of atmosphere can make a big difference in the healing process.

Besides being a renowned literary figure in Kashmir, Farooq Nazki Sahab showed the qualities of an outstanding patient. These qualities greatly improved his treatment experience and overall health. His attitude towards healthcare is an inspiration for others, promoting how important it is for patients to actively participate, trust their doctors and paramedics, and cooperate during treatment.
