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Drinking water shortage

01:48 AM Jun 12, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
drinking water shortage

Reports of drinking water shortage are pouring in from different areas in Kashmir these days. Every year as summer progresses the water shortage becomes a serious problem. Not only several parts of Srinagar city but those in towns and villages also get affected.

The concerned authorities must ensure adequate water supply through taps in all the areas of city and other affected places. If there is any problem in ensuring adequate supply then water tankers must be used to supply the water.

As the mercury level is soaring again, people should not suffer due to drinking water shortage. In some rural areas the residents in absence of drinking water through taps have to walk on foot several kilometres to fetch water from other sources like streams. Sometimes due to pollution the water is not safe for the drinking purpose.


After the consumption of the unsafe water,  several water born diseases breakout. Such cases are usually on rise in summer. The Jal Shakti Department is doing a good job to provide  water tap connections  to 100 percent households. But shortage of drinking water affects such good initiatives.


The concerned authorities must look into the causes of the water crisis. If there is a need to launch more water supply schemes, it should be done at the earliest. And if the existing water supplying schemes have turned defective, those should be repaired. Sometimes small repairs can make the defective systems fully operational.


There is also a need to provide safe and clean drinking water through taps. Breaking out of water borne diseases can be prevented if all procedures are followed for making the water safe for human consumption before it is supplied.


Some reports reveal that filtration plants at a number of areas are not working properly. Some plants have turned defunct. If such reports are true then immediate action has to be taken in this direction. Supplying of unsafe drinking water is not safe for human health.


Kashmir is rich as far as water resources are concerned. The drinking water shortage should not occur here. Now, since the shortage is occurring there is a need to take corrective measures.