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Dilapidated condition of roads

Necessary repairs must be done for smooth traffic movement
12:00 AM Feb 07, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK
dilapidated condition of roads

A number of roads at several places in Srinagar city are in a dilapidated condition. Thousands of vehicles move daily on such roads stretches. Consequently, those traveling face a lot of inconvenience.


The local residents say the problem has been brought into the notice of concerned officials a number of times but no action was taken. According to them, the necessary repair work can make the vehicular traffic movement smooth on the roads.


They say when lot of development work is being done in the city under smart city projects, then why the roads in dilapidated condition are being ignored. The development is complete when the condition of major and other roads is good. If those are in a bad condition, the efforts for other development become ineffective.


There is a need to ensure over-all development. All the roads must be in good shape. That is possible when the damaged road stretches are repaired and made traffic worthy in real sense. During snowfall or rains the traffic movement becomes more problematic on such roads. The local people who have to move through these roads face problems on daily basis.


Their problems have to be resolved. The concerned officials should not wait the people to come to them with such complaints. Rather they should go for inspection and see where the condition of roads is bad and where the repairs are needed.


It is their duty. And when the local residents approach them with their problems, speedy steps must be taken for solving the problems. Delaying the solution not only causes more problems for the people but also gives a bad impression about the working of the officials.


Efforts must be made to minimise problems of people. Those at lower level should not unnecessarily wait for the directions from top and do the things, which are genuine and within their competence. If there is a requirement for getting necessary permission from the officers, it too should be done.


The condition of roads not only in the city but also in other parts of J&K must be good. At a time when new major roads and highways are being constructed for smooth travel, minimising the travel time, smaller roads too need attention. Their condition should not remain dilapidated.
