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Digital revolution and parenting

Digital parenting skills enable parents to help their children to productively make use of digital devices
01:00 AM Jan 15, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor

Over the last half century the world has changed fundamentally, causing a drastic shift in expectations and experiences of how parents raise their children. We can also notice that during the last two decades late marriages, divorces and single parent households are increasing. In some societies same-sex marriages are legalised. Subsequent, family forms and living arrangements have diversified with an increase in unmarried or divorced families, single and same sex parents. Kashmiri society too is in a transition of change and is observing symptoms of such emerging issues.

Here I analyse the aforementioned issues with the dynamics of parenting in the present era. Recommendations are offered in order to give alternative parenting skills which might assist parents, care givers and children to live in harmony which has been dominated by digital technology revolution. In the present technological age children are experiencing different family living arrangements throughout their stages of childhood development. Mobile is being used as a tool replacing the lap of the mothers. Laptop instead of book and things like that expose children and their parents to different experiences which may be good or harmful to their well-being. Parenting until recent times was restricted to raise and nurturing the children, providing them with required amenities, care, attention and guidance. However, in recent times, with the technology taking our lives in every aspect, it has become necessary for parents in the family to understand that they need to extend their approach and change the style of parenting from real time to digital space also. Thus a good digital parenting skill requires the parents to acquaint, adapt and arise to the current scenario of digital survival. Digital parenting is essential for both parents and children to develop safe and healthy relationship with technology. These skills become essential for parents in the current scenario where every child is exposed to digital media and the virtual world, both at home and outside. Few important points that signify the importance of developing digital parenting skills are:


Few ways that are suggested for parents to practice are: Be a good digital role model; have open talks, share and discuss with children; keep track and have information about Childs digital activity; exercise parental control by setting the limits and rules on things that are not allowed.

To conclude present day parents need to learn and adopt a new unique innovative approach of parenting. Let all of us have family pledge for responsible and careful Digital Device use at home.


By Dr. N.A Kotey

Dr. N.A Kotey teaches Sociology in Higher Education Department J&K
