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DG BSF visits border area of Jammu to assess security situation

DG BSF interacted with the jawans, commending their dedication and professionalism
03:43 PM Jun 28, 2024 IST | GK Web Desk
DG BSF visits border area of Jammu to access the security situation

Jammu, June 28: Nitin Agrawal, IPS, DG BSF, arrived on a two-day visit to the BSF Jammu Frontier to assess the security situation along the Jammu International Border.

Upon arrival, DGP as per news agency Kashmir Scroll was welcomed by IG D K Boora and other senior officers.


During his visit, DG BSF reviewed the operational readiness of the BSF troops deployed at the Samba border area, receiving detailed briefings from the Sector Commander and Battalion Commandants.

DG BSF interacted with the jawans, commending their dedication and professionalism.


On June 28, 2024, IG BSF Jammu gave a comprehensive presentation to the DG BSF covering crucial aspects of border security and BSF's strategies for maintaining domination along the Jammu IB.
