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Developing writing skills among children

It requires lot of hard work on part of parents and teachers
12:50 AM Apr 29, 2024 IST | BINISH QADRI
developing writing skills among children

In schools we are taught three basic skills - reading, writing and arithmetic. Among these three basic skills, the most challenging is the skill of writing. In order to develop writing skills among children it is very important for them to write everyday. It is wisely said that imagination is more powerful than knowledge.

The imagination of children is always filled with thought provoking concepts and stories. It is very imperative on the part of the parents to capture these concepts and stories and pen down them on paper. It is not everyone’s cup of tea to conceptualize, putting imaginative things on paper. It requires lot of hard work on the part of the parents and teachers.

There is a complementarity between writing and reading. On one hand, writing helps children become good readers and on the other, reading helps children become good writers. Writing has a dual role: On one side, it creates good writers and on another side, it improves efficiency levels of both writers and readers.


It is necessary to inspire children at every stage of their life and inspiration can hit any moment. But, it must first come from parents who should be the role model for their children. Picnics or family outings are the best platforms where children can improve their writing skills.


Parents must encourage their children to keep a pencil and notebook ready on such occasions. It will develop their imagination and skills simultaneously which are essential ingredients for the growth and development of writing skills.


The message is the meaning produced by the source for the audience. It brings together words in order to convey a meaning. Among the eight essential aspects of communication, message comes on the second place. Message boards always contribute their best when it comes to the improvement of the writing and reading skills.


Family in generic form and children in the precise form need to realize the importance of writing. Once they realise the importance of writing then they can realise that the act of writing is productive. Accordingly they will realise the need and importance of the family message board.


It is important for every household to set up small family message boards so that their children will understand that the act to writing is gainful. We need to make sure that our child writes on the family message board. It will improve his communication skills.

If we have better communication skills, we can greatly contribute to our family and work life. If we send regular greeting cards, messages or emails to our kith and kin it will strengthen our family bond. We need to encourage our kids to send regular cards or messages to friends and family members. It will have dual effect: On one hand, it will develop good communication skills and on another hand it will stimulate better writing skills.

For developing writing skills among children it is imperative on the part of the parents to always encourage their children and provide positive feedback. Parents must take keen interest in their child’s reading and writing.

They must praise them for writing new words but at the same time they must show them how to spell difficult words. It is necessary for the parents to talk to their children as much as possible. They will come to know about their ideas and feelings which are very important constituents of any writing. 

Dr. Binish Qadri, Formerly Assistant Professor, Cluster University , Srinagar.