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Despite hardships, dream while wide awake

When you dream with your eyes open, you are creating a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful
12:00 AM Feb 02, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor

The concept of dreaming with your eyes open is truly fascinating and goes beyond just imagining a future goal. It is a profound philosophy that encourages people to develop a mindset where their dreams are not restricted to the unconscious realm of sleep, but rather, they are pursued with conscious intent and purpose.

One of my favourite books is titled "Dream with your eyes open", written by Ronnie Screwvala. I find the title fascinating and after contemplating it, I comprehended its significance. It means a lot to me to dream with my eyes open and this article explains how I am working towards manifesting and accomplishing my aspirations.


Dreaming with your eyes open requires a deep level of introspection, where you explore your innermost desires, passions, and aspirations, and then take action to make them a reality. This approach involves setting clear goals, developing a plan of action, and striving through obstacles and setbacks. When you dream with your eyes open, you are creating a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and meaningful, and you are truly living to your fullest potential.

The journey of dreaming with your eyes open is not without its challenges. Obstacles are unavoidable, but they are not roadblocks; rather, they are opportunities for growth. There are a lot of obstacles with have to face in this journey. Achieving your goals requires a lot of consistency, courage and patience at the same time. When things go wrong, being resilient is really important. It helps you get through tough times.. Obstacles are opportunities to learn and grow. Seeing setbacks as stepping stones towards success is a sign of having a strong mindset when you're trying to make big changes in your life.


Personally, the last three years have been the toughest in my life. In 2021, I lost my father to an unexpected heart attack, and then my grandfather to the same cause in 2022. In 2023, I was simply trying to navigate life without them, grappling with this immense loss. I was a girl whose father was her entire world and her only confidante. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without him. He was the one who made every decision for me and the only person in the world I trusted implicitly, accepting his decisions without question.

Being his only daughter after two sons, I was the most spoiled child. So, I never imagined having to figure out life on my own. My dad was incredibly strong, a true gem, and he taught me how to be strong, courageous, fearless, brave, and independent.

After this monumental loss, I was utterly broken and it took me three years to come to terms with this harsh reality. Healing isn't a walk in the park, and without struggles, you can't truly understand yourself. Life can be both harsh and beautiful, but it's important not to give up. During this time, I lost many people, people I once called friends, and learned the true nature of people, society, and the world, but that's okay. We should always be thankful for everything, even the hurdles we encounter. I'm thankful to have such wonderful people and family in my life

who supported me during this tough time.Remember, it's okay to take your time to heal and it's okay to feel the way you do. You're not alone.

Despite the pain, difficulties, anxiety attacks, and trauma, I gained a lot of wisdom during this period of healing in my life. I've remembered the lessons my father taught me and now, his expectations have become my ambitions alongside my own goals. Believe me, we are stronger than we think. It's all in our minds and we just need to understand our thoughts. Once you decide to pursue your dreams and believe in your capabilities, you're already halfway to success. It took some time, but I finally found my true self. Now, I'm on my way to achieving my dreams and I'm celebrating every little victory in my life.

The key to dreaming with your eyes open is visualization. Visualizing is a method that involves creating vivid mental images of what you want to achieve. Your brain tends to perceive these images as real-life experiences, which can act as a great motivator towards your goals.

Setting ambitious goals is important when you have big dreams. These goals should guide your actions and decisions in order to make your dreams a reality. They should be more than just things you hope to achieve; they should be compelling dreams that ignite your passion and sense of purpose.

To fulfill our dreams, we need to take purposeful, inspired action instead of just wishing for them to come true. This involves breaking down our big goals into smaller, manageable steps and consistently working towards them. Taking action requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to step outside of our comfort zone.

Small steps lead to big dreams. "Society and, at times, even your own family can act as roadblocks on your journey towards achieving your dreams. However, it is important to know how to overcome these challenges while maintaining a balance between courage and kindness. You must learn to manage everything during this process, whether it is dealing with family obligations or pursuing your goals.

Do not let others opinions or the difficulties affect you.The society we live in and, at times, even our own family can make it harder for us to achieve our dreams. The path towards our ambitions is not always straightforward, and it is important to learn how to overcome challenges and manage different aspects of our lives simultaneously.

To achieve our goals, we must learn to balance courage and kindness. We must be courageous enough to face the obstacles that come our way, but also kind enough to navigate these challenges without causing harm to ourselves or others.

During this process, it is crucial to maintain a balance between our family obligations and our aspirations. We should not disregard the importance of our family while pursuing our dreams, but rather learn to manage both aspects of our lives effectively.

In conclusion, to overcome the roadblocks that come our way and achieve our goals, we must have the courage to face challenges, the kindness to navigate them without harming ourselves or others, and the ability to manage different aspects of our lives effectively.

Achieving our big dreams requires a journey of continuous learning and adaptation. A growth mindset, the ability to embrace new knowledge, and the flexibility to adjust course when necessary are all important components. Every experience, whether it's successful or not, can teach us valuable lessons. Learning from both our successes and failures allows us to take a well- rounded and resilient approach to pursuing our dreams.

Dreaming with eyes open is crucial for growth and resilience, as it turns imagination into reality. This indomitable spirit not only shapes our own destiny but also the collective tapestry of dreams that shape the future.

By Syed Fiza Masoud Bukhari
