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Dense fog posing danger

Drive with care for safe travel
01:00 AM Dec 26, 2023 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK

Dense fog enveloped Srinagar and some other parts of Kashmir on Monday morning. Because of the poor visibility driving became challenging, particularly on highways.

Those driving the vehicles had to drive slow and take extra caution. However, some were found driving as if it was a normal day.


That should be avoided, as could lead to accidents. During foggy days there are more chances of mishaps. The winter has begun and we expect foggy mornings, and evenings, now. Sometimes fog is there for long hours. The dense fog affect vehicular traffic movement.

In such a situation it is not only drivers who must carefully drive, the pedestrians also must cross the roads with care. Carelessness on anyone's part can lead to accidents.


The pedestrians must prefer walking on the footpaths rather than on the roads. Due to poor visibility and over-speeding of vehicles, they can be hit. Over-speeding and dangerous overtaking by vehicles too needs to be avoided during fog.

If possible the travellers must start their journey slightly earlier so that they do not have to drive fast to reach their destinations. Driving slow and patience is the key to safe travel. Violation of road safety rules during fog must be strictly avoided. Otherwise also on normal days the violations of rules must be avoided.

These violations lead to deaths and injuries. Driving safely on all days is the responsibility of the drivers. They have to value their own lives as also of those traveling with them or in other vehicles and the pedestrians. Strictly adhering to rules prevents loss of lives.

On foggy days there is need for extra caution. Patience while on wheels is required, and that is an act of responsibility. Any slight error can cost a human life.
