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Curbing bogus admissions in schools

07:00 AM Jul 30, 2023 IST | Syed Rizwan Geelani

Jammu and Kashmir’s school education department is facing a pressing issue concerning the prevalence of bogus admissions managed by both private and government schools.

Though the department must be aware about this wrong practice adopted by dozens of schools, the practice is going on in schools across Kashmir which has raised questions over the monitoring system in the educational institutions.


These illegitimate admissions enable secondary and higher secondary students to skip classes and attend private coaching in Srinagar city while maintaining fake attendance records with the collaboration of school teachers.

The aim is to prepare for Board exams and other national-level competitive tests, leading to an increased pass percentage in these exams which is ultimately celebrated by the schools.


This practice not only undermines the credibility of the education system but also contributes to alarming concerns like substance abuse among students. There have been several reports that the college and school going students have fallen prey to the menace of substance abuse.

To address this issue, the school education department must take decisive steps, including the introduction of a biometric attendance system for students in secondary and higher secondary classes.

The menace of bogus admissions in schools have become a rampant issue in Jammu and Kashmir, as students opt for private coaching centers to supplement their education, especially during crucial academic years. This practice compromises their regular schooling and leads to a misrepresentation of attendance data. The involvement of both private and government schools, where teachers are complicit in maintaining fake attendance records, is a matter of great concern.

The consequences of bogus admissions are far-reaching and negatively impact both the students and the education system as a whole. First and foremost, it diminishes the significance of regular schooling and undermines the efforts put in by school teachers.

It results in skewed pass percentages in Board exams, creating a false impression of academic excellence. Additionally, students who attend coaching centres without attending school may engage in activities like substance abuse, endangering their future prospects.

No doubt the private coaching centers undoubtedly play a significant role in helping students prepare for Board exams and competitive tests. However, when the role of schools in mentoring and guiding students is downplayed or ignored, it poses serious questions about the efficacy of the education system. The celebration of coaching center-driven success by schools on social media further perpetuates this issue.

The implementation of the biometric attendance system will help the school education department to tackle the problem of bogus admissions and ensure transparency in student attendance.

Following the model of the advanced online attendance system for school staff, this technology can be implemented for students from class 10th to 12th in all schools. The biometric attendance system will use fingerprint or facial recognition technology to accurately record student presence in classrooms.

The introduction of a biometric attendance system offers several benefits and advantages that will help to curb the practice of bogus admissions

Biometric attendance ensures real-time tracking of students, leaving no room for manipulation or falsification of attendance records and both schools and students become accountable for regular attendance, fostering a sense of responsibility. The system provides valuable data insights, allowing educators and policymakers to identify patterns and address specific issues related to attendance.

With the introduction of a biometric attendance system, school authorities can monitor attendance patterns and take necessary actions to support students who may be struggling with attendance issues.

More important is that by encouraging regular attendance, the biometric system may help reduce the risk of students falling prey to substance abuse.

While implementing the biometric attendance system is a crucial step, it should be accompanied by other measures to address the issue comprehensively.

The school education department should launch awareness campaigns targeting parents, students, and the community to promote the importance of regular school attendance.

Besides, the department should conduct workshops and training sessions for teachers to help them understand the significance of their role in mentoring students and fostering a positive learning environment.

To compete with private coaching centers, the school education department should work on strengthening the school infrastructure, providing modern facilities, and focusing on quality education.

The school education department should establish regular communication channels with parents to keep them informed about their child’s attendance and academic progress.

Schools that effectively contribute to student success should be recognized and celebrated, encouraging healthy competition among educational institutions.

The officials at the helm of affairs opine that introduction of biometric attendance system in schools at secondary and higher secondary level can play a major role in monitoring the students. The move will do away with the unhealthy practice of absenteeism of students from schools.

Advisor to J&K Lieutenant Governor (LG) Rajiv Rai Batnagar, during a conversation with Greater Kashmir, opined that the Biometric attendance system for the students can be a good move and will benefit the students and school as well. “It will also help in ensuring accountability of the teachers as well,” he said.

The advisor assured me that the idea will be discussed with the administrative department for further course of action.

The menace of bogus admissions in Jammu and Kashmir’s schools needs urgent attention from the school education department.

By introducing a biometric attendance system for secondary and higher secondary students, the department can take a significant step towards curbing this practice.

Furthermore, efforts to strengthen the school system, engage parents, and recognize school efforts will collectively contribute to fostering a transparent and accountable education environment. Only through comprehensive measures can we ensure that students receive a quality education and are equipped to face the challenges of the future.
