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Creating a Senior Citizen Friendly Neighborhood

01:00 AM Dec 24, 2023 IST | Dr. Showkat Rashid Wani

A compassionate encounter unfolded when a senior lady noticed her neighbour's little daughter, Sahiba, looking sad because her father had refused to buy her a beautiful bag with lovely beads. The wise senior lady gently spoke to Sahiba, emphasising that happiness doesn't solely depend on getting what you want; it can be created independently.

Despite Sahiba's initial belief that her happiness hinged on that specific bag, the senior lady, with a kind request, borrowed Sahiba's old unused jacket for her granddaughter. In a surprising turn of events, the next day, the senior lady gifted Sahiba a stunning bag adorned with beads. Sahiba, astonished and overjoyed, inquired where the bag was bought. The senior lady then revealed that she had crafted the beautiful bag from Sahiba's old jacket, using beads collected from fixing Sahiba's tangled hair.


This heartwarming tale conveys a profound message – happiness is not merely about obtaining desired items; it's a creation within ourselves. The story extends beyond, highlighting the senior lady's selfless acts of kindness. In her past, she had sacrificially cut her cherished overcoat to craft smaller ones for needy children during a harsh winter, embodying the principles of altruism and humility found in Surah Al Maun.

In today's changing family dynamics, many seniors find themselves living alone without adequate support, facing emotional and physical challenges. Depression and health concerns, including cognitive impairments like dementia, become more prevalent with advancing age. Physically, seniors may be more susceptible to chronic diseases, and their recovery from illnesses may take longer due to reduced energy levels.


Despite these challenges, the narrative emphasizes the importance of supporting elderly neighbors, not just for the tangible assistance but also for the invaluable benefits of companionship and wise counsel. The senior lady, through her actions, becomes a symbol of the positive impact that small acts of kindness can have on individuals and communities. Her example encourages us to extend a helping hand to those in need, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and shared humanity.

How can the Mohalla Committee support Senior Citizens?

In Baghat RawatPora, Mrs. Nusrat, wife of Engineer Ghulam Mohammad Wani, has set a commendable example by establishing the Rehmat Committee, addressing the immediate concerns of senior citizens in her vicinity. This initiative has created a social support system, fostering a sense of security for the seniors in the locality, where mutual care and support are selflessly provided.

Resident associations can play a crucial role in aiding their senior citizens through various simple yet effective measures:

Regular Check-ins:

Assign a small team to regularly check on the elderly population living alone. Personal visits or calls can help identify and address their needs, alleviating any feelings of isolation they may experience.

Emergency Response Team:

Establish an emergency response team to provide urgent medical assistance when needed. This team should have contact details for aged residents and their next of kin, along with knowledge of the appropriate procedures during a medical emergency.

Ensuring a Safe Neighborhood:

Prevent accidental falls by maintaining well-kept walkways free from obstacles, bumps, and uneven surfaces. Avoid stairs on walking routes, install handrails on terraces and stairs, and ensure accessibility for wheelchairs.

Community Spaces:

Install benches along walkways for seniors to rest during walks. Create spaces within the community where elders can gather, fostering a sense of community that is crucial for their mental wellbeing.
Assistance with Chores:
Reach out to senior citizens regularly to offer assistance with daily chores, such as grocery shopping, transportation to meetings or religious places, or help with smaller tasks around the house.

Involvement in Community Activities:

Actively involve senior citizens in community activities, considering them for advisory roles in events or religious functions. Identify individuals with unique skills or interests and engage them in
related community activities.

These steps contribute to creating a safe and friendly environment for elderly neighbors in the community. Regular visits, phone calls, and staying in constant touch can significantly contribute to their overall wellbeing and happiness. The fostering of a supportive community is essential for ensuring that senior citizens feel valued and cared for in their neighborhood.


Dr Zubair Saleem is a Senior Geriatric Consultant and Gerontologist and Dr Showkat Rashid Wani is a Senior Coordinator, Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir
