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Completion of Keran Bridge a distant dream for people

07:24 AM Aug 08, 2023 IST | TARIQUE RAHEEM
completion of keran bridge a distant
dream for people

Kupwara: The completion of an under-construction bridge at Main Market Keran has become a distant dream for the people as the authorities have failed to complete it during the last six years.


The residents expressed resentment against the Roads & Buildings Department (R&B) for failing to complete the under-construction bridge, resulting in hardships to the inhabitants.


They said that the bridge sanctioned in 2017, had been left mid way.


The residents said that the bridge once completed would have eased the sufferings of the people and connected Keran Balla and Keran Payeen to the main market.


“We are forced to walk several kilometres from Keran main market to reach our respective homes in Keran Payeen and Keran Balla,” said a local.


The residents said that during medical emergencies, they have to carry patients on make shift stretchers to reach the Primary Health Centre (PHC) Keran for their treatment.


A local said that the completion of the bridge would significantly shorten the distance and help the commuters reach their respective destinations in the shortest possible time.


The residents said that following repeated pleas to the successive dispensations, the bridge was sanctioned, but after 6 years, only two abutments had been constructed which speaks about the callous approach of the officials at the helm of affairs.

The residents said that they went from pillar to post for redressal of their genuine grievance but to no avail.

Block Development Council (BDC) Keran Chairman, Muhammad Sayeed told Greater Kashmir that the bridge was being constructed at an estimated cost of Rs 84 lakh.

“During the past two years, I, time and again, brought this issue into the notice of top officials but nothing has been done regarding the completion of the bridge,” he said. “We are being told that the bridge was sanctioned under the model village project and all the funds under that project had been utilised and nothing could be done with regard to the completion of the bridge till the approval of funds. This year in March, I offered Rs 35 lakh to the R&B out of my council funds. Despite that the concerned authorities were reluctant to take up the construction work,” Sayeed said.
