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Common Illnesses Experienced by Seniors in Winters

Cold weather can contribute to the prevalence of respiratory infections, affecting seniors disproportionately
01:00 AM Dec 17, 2023 IST | DR SHAKEEL UR REHMAN
common illnesses experienced  by seniors in winters

Given that seniors have compromised immune systems, they are prone to experiencing several diseases or worsening of existing conditions during winters. As we approach the coldest part of our winter, known as Chilai Kalan, prevention becomes crucial, particularly for seniors. Here are some common diseases:




Concern: Seniors are more susceptible to severe complications from the flu due to weakened immune systems.


Symptoms: Influenza presents with symptoms such as fever, cough, body aches, and fatigue.


Prevention: Annual flu vaccination is crucial for seniors to reduce the risk of severe illness. It’s a proactive measure that helps the immune system recognize and fight the virus.


Concern: Cold weather can contribute to the prevalence of respiratory infections, affecting seniors disproportionately.


Symptoms: The common cold is characterized by a runny nose, sneezing, and a sore throat.


Prevention: Practicing good hand hygiene, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prevent the spread of the common cold.


Symptoms: Pneumonia manifests with symptoms such as cough, difficulty breathing, and chest pain.

Prevention: Pneumococcal vaccination is essential for seniors. Good respiratory hygiene, such as covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and maintaining overall health through regular exercise, are important preventive measures.



Symptoms: Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce, leading to symptoms such as shivering, confusion, and slurred speech.


Prevention: Seniors should dress warmly in layers, stay indoors during extremely cold weather, and ensure their homes are well-heated to prevent hypothermia.


Symptoms: Cold weather can exacerbate arthritis symptoms, leading to increased joint pain and stiffness.


Prevention: Staying active with gentle exercises, keeping joints warm with appropriate clothing, and maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent arthritis flare-ups.


Concern: Cold weather can strain the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of heart attacks.


Symptoms: Symptoms of a heart attack include chest pain and shortness of breath.


Prevention: Managing cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes is crucial. Staying physically active and seeking prompt medical attention for any concerning symptoms are also important preventive measures.



Concern: Seniors may be more susceptible to mood disorders during the darker, colder months.


Symptoms: SAD is characterized by persistent sadness, fatigue, and changes in sleep patterns.


Prevention: Exposure to natural light, maintaining social connections, and considering light therapy are common strategies for managing and preventing SAD.



Concern: Seniors may be less inclined to consume fluids in colder weather, leading to dehydration.


Symptoms: Dehydration symptoms include dry skin, dark urine, and dizziness.


Prevention: Seniors should ensure an adequate intake of fluids, especially in heated indoor environments. Regular monitoring of hydration levels is important, particularly if there are factors that may
increase the risk of dehydration.



Concern: Close quarters during colder months may increase the risk of viral infections.


Symptoms: Norovirus symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.


Prevention: Practicing good hygiene, especially handwashing, is crucial to prevent the spread of the virus. Seniors should be cautious in settings where the virus may be easily transmitted, such as
crowded places.



Concern: Cold air can irritate the respiratory tract, potentially leading to bronchitis.


Symptoms: Bronchitis is characterized by a persistent cough and chest discomfort.


Prevention: Seniors can reduce the risk of bronchitis by avoiding exposure to tobacco smoke, staying warm in cold weather, and seeking medical attention if respiratory symptoms persist.

Take Home Message: A combination of vaccination, good hygiene practices, maintaining overall health, and seeking timely medical attention are key preventive measures for these common winter illnesses in
seniors. Regular communication with doctors and caregivers ensures proper management of underlying health conditions and a proactive approach to health maintenance.

Dr Shakeel Ur Rehman is Founder and Chairman Kashmir Clinics Group
