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Commemorating World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD-2024)

I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the guests who attended WEAAD-2024 and supported our mission
05:21 AM Jun 16, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
commemorating world elder abuse awareness day  weaad 2024
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In honor of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD-2024), Moul Mouj Health Centre and Gauri Old Age Mission organized an event to commemorate World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The event was well-attended by representatives from various pensioners’ associations, senior citizens’ groups, prominent elders, and other dignitaries from civil society.


During the event, I stressed the urgent need to educate our youth on the importance of assisting and supporting their seniors to ensure they age gracefully. Dr. Shakeel ur Rehman, Founder and Chairman of Kashmir Clinics, highlighted a critical issue: the discontinuation of treatment among seniors due to financial constraints. He pointed out that many seniors’ diseases remain underdiagnosed because they cannot afford certain medical investigations, which is a form of elder abuse. In response to this plight, Dr. Rehman announced the opening of Moul Mouj Health Centre, an exclusive facility dedicated to providing comprehensive care for seniors. Former Advisor to the Governor of J&K, Mr. Khurshid A. Ganie, shared heartfelt remarks, expressing his happiness to be part of the event. His encouraging words for the initiative were truly exceptional, highlighting the importance of specialized care for our elderly population.


Prof. Upendra Kaul, Founder Director of the Gauri Kaul Foundation, highlighted the pressing issue of elder care in his message on World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. He stated, “In many cases, we see our seniors who are economically marginalized and cannot afford their health needs. It is our collective responsibility to reach out to this population.”


He emphasized the ongoing efforts of the foundation, mentioning, “Currently, we are providing all heart-related treatments and advanced diagnostics to seniors under the Gauri Old Age Mission at Gauri Heart Centre in Srinagar and Prasad Joo Khan Heart Centre in Pulwama. Furthering our mission, we have collaborated with Moul Mouj Health Centre, Kashmir Clinics to provide additional facilities for underserved seniors.” Zareef Ahmad Zareef, a renowned Kashmiri satirist, spoke passionately about Kashmir’s rich history of valuing and respecting seniors. He noted that while it is essential to honor our elders, seniors must also give space to their adult children and avoid comparisons between past and present times.


During the event, we had the privilege of honouring families of some legendary personalities for their contributions to society. Dr. Ali Ahmad Fazili was recognized in memory of his father, Dr. Ali Jan. Mrs. Masooda Jalal Rajpuri was felicitated for the contributions of her husband, Dr. S. Jalal. Prof. Agha Iqbal Ali was honored for the exceptional service of his father, Dr. Agha Ashraf Ali, to Kashmir.


Pir Imtiyaz Hussain, President of Batmaloo Traders Association, highlighted the financial struggles many seniors face in affording their healthcare costs. He emphasized that the Moul Mouj Health Centre would provide holistic health services for seniors, eliminating the need for them to visit multiple doctors for their health needs.


My dear friend and renowned broadcaster, Ishfaq Lone, graciously moderated the event. In his unique style, he emphasized the need for awareness and education on elderly issues. He highlighted the importance of addressing the challenges faced by our seniors. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all the guests who attended WEAAD-2024 and supported our mission. I especially thank the media fraternity for covering the event. Your presence and encouragement are invaluable as we continue to advocate for the well-being and dignity of our elderly population.

