Changing weather patterns
Past some days have seen a disturbing change in the day temperatures. Not just the temperatures, the sunshine during the day feels like spring time. Don’t forget, we are passing through the period of intense chill that we in our own language and expression call Chillay Kalan – major cold. How this unusual change is going to affect us in the long run would be known later in the year.
As of now, the experts tell us that it is not good that we have such sunny, shiny and warm days in this period of winter season. Hence a note of worry. The question that pops up immediately is the one related to climate change. We now need to think of it very seriously. The subject experts have been consistent in warning us about the grave environmental impact of climate change.
Our glaciers are depleting, and we are faced with a severe challenge when it comes to water needs. Our green cover is receding and that is again something that would impact our economy, our health, and our natural cover. Our temperature pattern is undergoing change and this brings along many health challenges. Let us not forget how we had a kind of early summer last year when the temperatures rose considerably in the early months of spring last year.
The shortfall in snow and the rise in day temperature during past some days is also indicative of the same phenomenon. Though the climate change is something that is planetary in its spread, and there is very little we can do about it, but in our own space we need a careful, mindful, and scientific approach towards preserving our environment.
At a grand scale we may not make such a huge difference because the reasons of climate change are vast and varied, but we can preserve our own space and make sure that even the bigger adverse changes impact us less and less. In this regard the change has to happen through a dual movement. One from the government, another from the society itself. If right regulations are put in place, and if responsible approach is adopted at the societal level, we can expect a welcome change.