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Bridging Generations

Grandparents act as a practical support by taking care of the child
06:22 AM Jul 28, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
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Oh where am I? What is this place? Where is my mobile phone? Mamma? Where is my laptop? Wait who is there? An old lady narrating her childhood stories to her grandchildren? A boy going somewhere with his grandfather on his back? A kid popping his head out from his grandfather’s pheran? What kind of place is this? I’ve never seen such things, this seems so unusual. And all of a sudden my mother calls me to get up and get ready for school. I woke up and pondered about my dream and on the breakfast table I tell my parents about the dream I had and to my surprise they said that it isn’t unusual. This kind of generation existed! As days passed I realized that our generation aka “Gen-Z” we don’t even talk to our grandparents. We rarely spend quality time with them. All the time we are busy on social media, on online games and gadgets. “Aezik shoure che sirf phonen peith aasan, na mat waintehuk kheon, na mat waintehuk cheun sirf weuchiyan phone, yed chak yewan temi seith beirith” claims my grandmother. We even forget that they have something special to provide us with. Now you might be wondering what can they give us, they are old and they don’t know anything about the current generation. We already have so many sources of information and entertainment such as ChatGPT, Google, Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, X etc. But in reality they offer us with a wealth of knowledge and life lessons gained from their experiences. Instead of calling out for “Siri” or “Alexa” always grandparents can provide valuable advice and guidance in various phases of our life. They love us unconditionally; they always provide emotional support and comfort us. Watching their hard work and commitment can motivate younger people. Grandparents are like role models teaching us important qualities like empathy, patience, respect, kindness, and strength which are really important for this generation. Our generation so called “Zoomers” or “Gen-Z” needs to raise their emotional intelligence and moral values. Grandparents also pass on the wealth of culture, traditions, rituals etc to the new generation. Most of the children who come home and find nobody at home aka “latchkey kid” because his/her parents are working feel loneliness, boredom and they find alternative sources which can overcome their loneliness and boredom. These kids are vulnerable to many behavioral issues and can find themselves indulged in drug abuse, depression, smoking, screen addiction, etc. In such cases grandparents act as a practical support by taking care of the child.

In 2021, Pope Francis declared World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, to take place annually on the fourth Sunday of July, a time to celebrate and recognize the important role that our grandparents play in the education and welfare of the younger members of the family. There are some things we can do for our grandparents to make them feel special:


Spending quality time: Spending quality time with grandparents can have a remarkable benefit on both child and the grandparent. Spending quality time chatting with them about their lives, sharing stories orally, and listening to their experiences can help reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Active Listening: Sometimes just being there and actively listening to them can have a positive impact on them. Provide help with chores: We can help them with cleaning, washing, organizing their home, assisting them preparing meals, etc.


Take them on outings: Take them on outings. It’s rare that grandparents go out to have fun. Take them on trips to scenic locations and restaurants.


Take them on walks: Walking can be a basic but meaningful method to maintain a healthy routine and build a bond.

Learning New Skills: Teach them a new skill, such as better use of mobile phone; teach them how to do online banking, help them in setting up social media accounts so they can maintain relationships with friends and family or initiate video calls, etc.

These are some basic things we can do for our grandparents to make them feel loved and special. Grandparents too enjoy the company we give them. “Bachen seith gindun kath karen yemin seith boul bosh karun chu wariyah khoush lagan”, claims my grandmother. We should always remember that we just don’t have to do these things specifically on Grandparents Day but we should practice this in our everyday life. Grandparents are a real blessing and we should respect them.

Maryam Mukhtar, Grade 9th student G.D Goenka Public School Srinagar
