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Beyond Formality

One can only expect that the future course of events remains smooth and fulfilling the needs of the people takes precedence over everything else
12:00 AM Oct 17, 2024 IST | GK EDITORIAL DESK

Symbolism is never without a value. But symbolism alone doesn't make things work. And too much of symbolism breeds mediocrity. The ceremonies associated with grand events like a government formation are rooted in some grand ideals. The oath taking ceremony is not just a customary practice but reflects a deeper commitment to the ideals enshrined in the democratic and constitutional governance. 

Taken in that spirit, it is an occasion to remind the new government and the overarching system within which it has to work that there is a grand ideal that guides the state and the government. That ideal is the welfare of people and giving them the chance to flourish in terms of material wellbeing, intellectual expression and spiritual attainment. A democratic system should do all within its capacity to ensure that people express themselves, they are heard and their aspirations and demands fulfilled. In that backdrop the people of J&K would expect a political atmosphere that allows them expression, a government that responds to its needs and an administrative set up that gives them a sense of empowerment.


The primary commitment of a governing system, a constitutional set up, and a democratic polity is with the people within its limits. Whatever hurts people should be a cause of concern. Whatever comes in the growth of people should be removed. Whatever people need should be provided. Now that we have a democratically elected government in place and the oath taking ceremony is over, let there be a smooth conduct of the business of government. Let there be no friction between different centres of power, and none coming in the way of the other.

If there are impediments in the path of governance because of the new scheme of rules and regulations, that would be to the disadvantage of the people of J&K. It would serve the interest of the people of J&K if the UT government and the LG office develop a positive relation.  One can only expect that the future course of events remains smooth and fulfilling the needs of the people takes precedence over everything else.

