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Baramulla residents demand macadmisation of roads

09:35 AM May 28, 2021 IST | migrator

The residents of Baramulla district Friday urged the district administration to carry macadamisation of dilapidated roads across Baramulla town and its peripheral villages.

The condition of Baramulla-Srinagar highway at various places is terrible with huge potholes and the tarmac surface withered.


The travelling experience on the highway is bad.

The condition of the highway at KanisporaBaramulla, which is just 6 km from the town, is so bad that motorists often complain of damage to their vehicle while travelling on the pothole-ridden stretch.


“There are so many potholes on the Kanispora road stretch. The vehicles often suffer damage while crossing the deep potholes.

The slush and muddy water in the potholes gets splashed on the pedestrians during the rainy days.

Most parts of the Baramulla district are witnessing deteriorating condition of the road.

In Pattan area of Baramulla district, the condition of the roads in various villages is terrible, the locals aghast at the deteriorating condition of the roads.

“Be it Palhallan, Chanderhama, Boucho, Nihalpora or other villages, the roads in most parts of Pattan  are in a pathetic condition. During the last three years, the authorities have not carried any maintenance of roads as a result of which the roads have deteriorated badly,” said Sajad Ahmad, a civil society member of Pattan.

In Narvaw area of Baramulla district several villages including Fatehgarh, Zandfaran, Malpora, and Dodbugh, the bad condition of the roads has evoked strong resentment from the locals residents.

The locals said that the authorities would start a patch work in winter season as a result of which the work done does not last for more than a month and next year problem resurfaces again.

“The roads in Narwav area which comprises of dozens of villages are yearning for maintenance. The dilapidated roads are giving a tough time to the locals. The Baramulla district administration should start macadamisation of the roads here during summer. We have observed road maintenance starts in winter which serves no purpose,” said Abdul Rashid of FatehgarhNarwav.

The 3-km Janbazpora-Binner road is also in a bad condition.

The locals here said that all along the 3-km stretch, deep potholes had formed, creating difficulties for both the common people as well as the motorists.

“The 3-km road is in an extremely bad condition. The authorities should start repair of the road stretch so that people don’t face hardships,” said Muhammad Ashraf, a local.

The Baramulla civil society members had urged the Baramulla district administration to initiate the road macadamisation as well as road maintenance early this year so that lockdown period was utilised for the road maintenance.

“It is the right time to initiate road maintenance as well as macadamisation. The lockdown period if utilised for improving the road conditions will be a great service to the people,” said a local, Bashir Ahmad.
