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Awareness programme on protection of women, child rights organised

01:17 AM Apr 30, 2024 IST | GK NEWS SERVICE
awareness programme on protection of women  child rights organised

Jammu, Apr 29:  The Department of Home Science, in collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, Government College for Women Parade hosted an awareness lecture on “Protection of Women and Child’s Rights” today for the students of the college. The event was aimed to educate students about the protection of women and child rights.

Under the guidance and supervision of the College Principal Dr Ravender Kumar Tickoo, the lecture was designed to educate young minds about their rights and to encourage them to uphold the same whenever they need. He appreciated the organizing team for its efforts towards promoting such initiatives for the awareness and holistic development of the students.

Earlier, Head of Department of Home Science, Dr Nitu Sharma and Convener of Centre for Women’s Studies, Dr Seema Malpotra welcomed the Chief Guest and the other dignitaries.


Dr Seema Malpotra threw a brief light on the various rights of women and children and motivated students to understand the same in order to deal with their life problems.


Dr Nitu Sharma, HOD, Home Science formally welcomed and introduced the resource person. She also highlighted the importance of understanding one’s Rights and the legal framework as it is very important in today’s time. She also urged the participants to disseminate awareness regarding these rights among their family members, friends and peers.


The resource person of the event Dr Gurmeet Kour, women Law Expert, K.C. Law College Jammu talked about the various rights of women and children. She also went to give a comprehensive legal overview of women and Child’s Rights. She explained to the students about the need for these rights and how women and children can benefit from these rights. She aware the female students about their legal rights and apprised the students about various opportunities irrespective of their gender.


The formal vote of thanks was presented by Dr Deepti Salotra, Assistant Professor in Home Science. The Programme was attended by a large number of students from different semesters of the college and faculty members Prof Anita Sharma, Dr Shally Chadha, Prof Asha Rani, Dr Isha Sharma, Dr Iesha Sharma, Dr Parvani Rekhi, Dr Amardeep Kour, Dr Iesha Gupta. The whole event was anchored by Lalita Devi, P.G IVth semester student of Home Science Department.
