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Authorities thwart political leaders' plans of visiting Martyrs' Graveyard

Leaders claim they were placed under house arrest
05:42 AM Jul 14, 2024 IST | SHABIR IBN YUSUF

Srinagar, July 13: The authorities on Saturday prevented mainstream political parties from paying homage to the 22 Kashmiris killed by the Dogra army on July 13, 1931 even as political leaders claimed that they were placed under house arrest.

“The gates of my house have been locked up yet again to prevent me from visiting Mazar-e-Shuhada – an enduring symbol of Kashmir’s resistance and resilience against authoritarianism, oppression, and injustice,” PDP president Mehbooba Mufti said in a post on X.


“On 5th August, 2019 J&K was dismembered, disempowered and stripped of everything that was sacrosanct for us. They intend to erase each one of our collective memories,” she stated. She asserted that these actions would only strengthen the resolve of Kashmiris to continue fighting for their rights and dignity.

“For no reason informed of being under house arrest. I really fail to understand what the administration gets in stopping people from going to the martyrs graveyard,” PC President Sajad Lone said on X.


“The gate has been locked and police personnel deployed to stop us from going to pay our respects at martyrs’ graves. I don’t understand why. We will always remember their sacrifices,” NC’s Nasir Aslam Wani said in post on X.

The Apni Party, led by president Altaf Bukhari, attempted to march to the martyrs’ graveyard but were stopped by police. Bukhari and his colleagues held “fateh” prayers on the road to honor the martyrs.

“Everywhere else in the country these people would have been celebrated but in J-K the administration wants to ignore these sacrifices. This is the last year they will be able to do this. InshaAllah, next year we will mark 13th July with the solemnity and respect this day deserves,” Abdullah said on X.

NC MP Aga Syed Ruhullah Mehdi condemned the administration's actions, calling it a disrespect to democracy and a significant shift from the nation’s founding values. He pointed out that the police and administration, who once paid homage to the martyrs, are now ordered to block access to the graveyard and prevent leaders from paying their respects.
