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ATFs Tackling Youth Substance Abuse in J&K

06:50 AM Jun 26, 2024 IST | Guest Contributor
atfs tackling youth substance abuse in j k

The Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir is facing the difficult challenge of combating drug abuse among its younger population. Various habit-forming substances are prevalent, with tobacco, cannabis, opioids, sedatives, and alcohol being the most common. Recently, there has been increased attention on the use of opioids, particularly heroin in injectable forms, due to its high potential for dependence and severe side effects. These side effects include an increased risk of hepatitis C and hepatitis B, and, in some cases, death due to drug overdose.


In response to this growing crisis, multiple health facilities have been established throughout the country, including Addiction Treatment Facilities (ATFs) in each district. These clinics aim to provide comprehensive care for individuals suffering from substance use disorders. The process begins with a proper evaluation of patients to establish a diagnosis, followed by a tailored treatment plan that includes both non-pharmacological and pharmacological management strategies.


Non-pharmacological management involves various psychosocial interventions. These include individual counseling, group counseling, family counseling, motivational enhancement therapies, and cognitive-behavioral therapies. These interventions are designed to address the psychological and social aspects of addiction, helping patients develop healthier coping mechanisms and build a supportive network for recovery.


Pharmacological management involves the use of medications that aid in recovery from dependence. This approach is crucial for managing withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings, thereby supporting patients in their journey to sobriety. Treatment is primarily conducted on an outpatient basis, making it cost-effective and accessible. The main medications are often provided free of cost to the patients, ensuring that financial barriers do not hinder access to necessary care.


It is essential to view the problem of substance use as a chronic disease that requires long-term treatment. Just like other chronic illnesses, substance use disorders need continuous management and support. Patients with these disorders should be treated without prejudice or judgment. The establishment of ATFs is a significant step in this direction, promoting a compassionate and comprehensive approach to addiction treatment.


The holistic approach taken by these facilities underscores the importance of addressing both the physical and psychological components of addiction. By integrating medical treatment with psychosocial support, ATFs aim to provide a robust framework for recovery, helping individuals reclaim their lives and reintegrate into society. The collective efforts of healthcare providers, community leaders, and policymakers are crucial in ensuring that these initiatives succeed in mitigating the impact of substance abuse and fostering a healthier, more resilient population in Jammu and Kashmir.


BY Dr Aafaq Hyder


Dr Aafaq Hyder is working as Medical Officer in Addiction Treatment Facility, Department of Psychiatry ,GMC Anantnag.
