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Ask the doctor

Getting an annual flu shot is crucial for seniors to protect against seasonal influenza and related respiratory complications
12:38 AM Nov 19, 2023 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM
ask the doctor

Q: Why are seniors more prone to chest infections during winters?


A: Seniors are more vulnerable due to a weakened immune system and the impact of cold temperatures on respiratory health, making them susceptible to infections like flu and pneumonia.


Q: How can I protect myself from chest infections in cold weather?


A: Practice good hand hygiene, stay warm with layered clothing, get a flu shot, and maintain indoor humidity to prevent respiratory irritation.


Q: Are there specific foods that boost immunity against chest infections?


A: Yes, include immune-boosting foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds rich in vitamins and antioxidants in your diet.


Q: Is it necessary for seniors to get the flu vaccine every year?


A: Yes, getting an annual flu shot is crucial for seniors to protect against seasonal influenza and related respiratory complications. Talk about pneumococcal vaccines with your doctor.

Q: How can I ensure indoor air quality to prevent chest infections?

A: Use air purifiers, keep living spaces well-ventilated, and avoid exposure to smoke or other pollutants that can irritate the respiratory system.

Q: Should I avoid outdoor activities during winters to prevent chest infections?

A: While outdoor activities are beneficial, take precautions like dressing warmly and avoiding crowded places during peak flu seasons.

Q: Can regular exercise help prevent chest infections in seniors?

A: Yes, regular, moderate exercise supports overall health, including respiratory function and immune system strength. You can exercise indoors also.

Q: What role does hydration play in preventing chest infections?

A: Staying well-hydrated helps maintain mucous membrane health in the respiratory tract, reducing the risk of infections.

Q: Are there specific breathing exercises for seniors to strengthen their lungs?

A: Yes, deep breathing exercises can help improve lung capacity and respiratory health in seniors.

Q: Is it advisable for seniors to wear masks during the winter season?

A: Wearing masks in crowded or high-risk areas can provide an additional layer of protection against airborne infections.

Q: Can avoiding contact with sick individuals help prevent chest infections?

A: Yes, minimising close contact with sick individuals, especially during flu seasons, is an effective preventive measure.

Q: How can seniors recognize early signs of a chest infection?

A: Watch for symptoms like persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pain, or fever, and seek medical attention promptly if these signs appear.
