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Altaf Bukhari extends warmest greetings to people on Jumat-ul-Vida

Appeals Muslims to pray for peace, prosperity in J&K on this revered occasion
05:14 PM Apr 04, 2024 IST | GK Web Desk
Altaf Bukhari extends warmest greetings to people on Jumat-ul-Vida

Srinagar, Apr 04: Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari Thursday extended his warmest greetings to the people, especially to the Muslim community, on the auspicious occasion of Jumat-ul-Vida.

In his message, the Apni Party President said, “On the auspicious occasion of Juma-tul-Vida, I extend warmest greetings to the people of J&K, especially to the Muslims. This revered occasion holds special significance and great spiritual importance for Muslims across the world. On this day, Muslims around the world pray for the acceptance of their prayers and good deeds done in the holy month of Ramadhan and also seek blessings from Almighty Allah for their families, friends, and humanity at large.”


Bukhari appealed to the Muslims of Jammu and Kashmir to pray for the peace and prosperity of this land on this revered occasion.

He said, “I request Muslims to pray for sustainable peace and tranquility in Jammu and Kashmir.”


“May this revered occasion be a harbinger of peace, harmony, and prosperity for the people of J&K, and may Almighty Allah bestow His choicest blessings upon us,” he prayed.

He urged the administration to ensure adequate facilities and availability of public transport to facilitate the hassle-free movement of people to major congregational places.
