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Addressing the growing drug epidemic in J&K

We call upon every reader to follow our campaign, engage with the content, and become an active participant in this crucial movement
05:00 AM Jun 24, 2024 IST | DR. ZUBAIR SALEEM
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A Generation at Risk

Every morning, as the sun rises over Kashmir, a shadow looms large over our youth—a shadow of addiction, despair, and lost potential. Each day, this shadow grows darker and dustier, eclipsing the rays of hope and the bright future of our youth.


Imagine a young life, brimming with promise, dreams, and ambitions, slowly unraveling under the weight of drug abuse. This is not a distant nightmare; it is an unfortunate reality for countless families in our community. Today, we stand at a critical juncture. Our collective silence and inaction can no longer be an option. We must confront this menace head-on.

The Hidden Epidemic


Drug abuse in Kashmir has reached alarming levels, cutting across socio-economic boundaries and affecting urban and rural areas alike. Earlier, it was primarily males, but now we are confronting many girls falling into addiction as well. Shockingly, boys as young as 11 years old are reported to be using IV drugs.

What was once a trickle has turned into a deluge, with an increasing number of young people falling prey to the scourge of narcotics. The allure of drugs, often seen as an escape from the harsh realities of life, quickly transforms into a relentless cycle of dependency and destruction.

The Impact on our Youth

Our youth, the future of our nation, are the most vulnerable to this epidemic. The age group most affected by drug abuse in Kashmir ranges from 15 to 30 years, a critical period when individuals should be focusing on education, career building, and personal development. Instead, many are ensnared by addiction, leading to devastating consequences such as:

A Call to Action: Our Campaign

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, we are launching a week-long campaign in Greater Kashmir newspapers, aimed at raising awareness, educating the public, and mobilizing community action against drug abuse. Our campaign will focus on the following key areas:

  1. Awareness and Education: We will publish a series of informative articles that highlight the dangers of drug abuse, the signs to look out for, and the long-term consequences on individuals and families. By demystifying addiction and presenting factual information, we hope to dispel myths and encourage informed discussions.
  2. Personal Stories: Real-life stories from individuals who have battled addiction and come out on the other side will be shared. These narratives of struggle and resilience will serve as both a warning and a ray of hope for those currently suffering from addiction.
  3. Expert Insights: Interviews with healthcare professionals, psychologists, and social workers will provide expert perspectives on the best practices for prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. These insights will equip families and educators with the tools they need to support at-risk youth.
  4. Community Involvement: We will call upon local administration, religious figures, and influencers to lend their voices to this cause. Their endorsement and active participation can amplify our message and encourage community-wide engagement.
  5. Support Resources: Information about local support groups, rehabilitation centers, and helplines will be prominently featured. Knowing where to seek help can be a crucial step in the journey towards recovery.

The Role of Parents and Educators

Parents and educators play a pivotal role in the fight against drug abuse. Open communication, vigilance, and early intervention are critical in preventing drug addiction. We will provide practical advice on how to talk to children about drugs, recognize early signs of addiction, and seek professional help when needed.

Collective Responsibility

Addressing the drug abuse crisis in Kashmir is not the responsibility of a single entity but a collective effort that requires the involvement of every member of our society. We urge businesses, NGOs, schools, and community groups to join hands in this fight. Together, we can create a supportive environment that discourages drug use and promotes healthy, fulfilling lives for our youth.

A Vision for a Drug-Free Future

Our campaign is just the beginning. The journey towards a drug-free Kashmir will be long and challenging, but it is a journey we must undertake with unwavering determination. We envision a future where our youth are free from the shackles of addiction, where families are whole and healthy, and where our community thrives in peace and prosperity.

We call upon every reader to follow our campaign, engage with the content, and become an active participant in this crucial movement. Your involvement can make a difference. Let us stand together, speak out, and take decisive action against drug abuse. The future of Kashmir depends on it.

Join us in this vital campaign. Together, we can reclaim our youth and restore hope. Share your ideas, stories at editor@greaterkashmir.com or whatsapp on 9541334476.
