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A shift towards regional innovation and investment

07:25 AM Aug 14, 2023 IST | SHABIR HANDOO
a shift towards regional innovation and investment

India’s venture capital ecosystem is currently experiencing a funding winter, with VC deals in the first five months of 2023 dropping significantly compared to the same period in the previous year.


However, amidst this challenging landscape, promising shifts are being observed to smaller urban areas. A shift towards regional innovation and investment.


Tier 2 and tier 3 cities are stepping into the spotlight, demonstrating their potential to reshape the startup narrative. As investors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers rally to leverage this potential, there’s a renewed optimism that startup ecosystem will weather the storm and emerge stronger than ever before.


A distinctive aspect of this evolving landscape is the transition of investment focus from major cities to tier 2 and tier 3 cities which are emerging as hotbeds of innovation and investment.


Tier 2 and tier 3 cities in India refer to cities that are smaller or less developed compared to the major metropolitan areas like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore.


These cities often have a lower population and less advanced infrastructure but are gradually becoming centres of economic and technological growth, attracting investments and innovation.


These urban centres, once overshadowed by their metropolitan counterparts, are now witnessing a surge of interest from investors. Entrepreneurs in these regions are harnessing their innovative spirit to diversify sectors of the economy and create a dynamic startup ecosystem.


One such region exemplifying this trend is Jammu and Kashmir, consisting of tier 2 cities like Srinagar and Jammu, which embody the promise of youthful energy and an eagerness to explore new economic avenues.

Angel investors in particular are enthusiastic about the quality of emerging initiatives and the rapid development of a supportive ecosystem. However, to fully realize the potential, the startup ecosystem needs to tap into its intrinsic strengths and undertake necessary course corrections.

A notable challenge in regions like Kashmir lies in introducing novel concepts such as angel investments. The prevailing investment mindset adheres to conventional methods, with real estate and traditional savings accounts being preferred avenues for investment. While real estate investments have cooled down, they still account for a substantial portion of invested capital.

Savings accounts and fixed deposits, the second preferred investment destination, amassed a staggering amount of 1.56 lakh crores during the last financial year in J&K.

The annual average interest earned, standing at around Rs 4,000 crores, indicates a relatively modest 3% return on the total deposit. Redirecting even a fraction of this capital towards industry support could have transformative effects.

To bolster industrial growth, a mere 10% diversion of these funds could infuse Rs. 15 thousand crores into the industrial economy catalyzing a surge in industrial activity and corresponding employment avenues. The key lies in shifting these resources from stagnant savings and deposit accounts towards productive ventures, fostering a robust industrial base in regions like Jammu and Kashmir.

Investment also comes from experienced high net worth individuals who have a knack of picking up the most promising startup ideas at their early stages and investing in them with a hope of exponential growth in the shorter run. Such investors are categorised by their high degree of risk-taking appetite.

There is another category of investors who play it safe by diversifying their investment portfolio and risk by investing in a number of startups across various sectors.

This is the category of angel investors who are categorised by their lesser degree of risk-taking appetite. Both categories of investors are essential to the ecosystem.

While investors from other states, having more experience and exposure to the angel investing, are better informed about the process involved, local investor community needs support to be able to gain requisite trust in the angel investing. Building an ecosystem where such kind of financial literacy is substantially improved remains a challenge.

In J&K, a supportive ecosystem has taken shape in the form of Kashmir Angel Network and its robust network of investors and mentors. Angel investing is the in-thing with the potential to become mainstream in the near future, though it is going to take more effort to make it happen.

Let us delve into the possibilities where investors could find lucrative deals coming up. There are some trendy sectors of economy that can create the required momentum for investment opportunities in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K):

Environment-Friendly Technology Startups: J&K’s natural beauty makes it a prime location for eco-friendly startups focusing on sustainable tourism, renewable energy solutions (solar, green and hydro), waste management, and reforestation projects. Government incentives for green initiatives and the region’s ecological sensitivity provide opportunities for startups in these sectors.

Super Apps: In J&K, where connectivity might be limited in some areas, a super app that integrates essential services like local transportation, food delivery, tourism information, and local commerce could offer immense value. This would require partnerships with local businesses, government support, and reliable digital infrastructure.

Digital Health Startup Trends in 2023: The digital health sector could have significant impact in J&K by providing access to healthcare services in remote areas. Telemedicine, mobile health apps for health monitoring, and AI-powered diagnostic tools could improve healthcare access. Investment in partnerships with local healthcare providers and infrastructure enhancement is crucial.

Cloud Computing Startups: The development of cloud computing startups in J&K could aid in digital transformation across sectors like education, e-governance, and commerce. By offering scalable and secure cloud solutions tailored to the region’s needs, startups could address challenges related to data storage, accessibility, and efficiency.

AgriTech Startups: Agriculture is a significant part of J&K’s economy. AgriTech startups focusing on smart farming solutions, system farming projects, crop monitoring, and efficient irrigation could enhance agricultural productivity. Investment could support technology adoption, farmer training, and integration with local agricultural practices.

Metaverse Startups: The concept of the metaverse can be applied to promoting local culture and heritage through virtual experiences, tourism, and education. Investment opportunities lie in creating immersive experiences that showcase the region’s rich history and landscapes, potentially attracting both local and global audiences.

Cybersecurity Solutions Startups: As digital adoption increases, so do cybersecurity risks. Cybersecurity startups in J&K can offer solutions tailored to local businesses and institutions, safeguarding sensitive data and critical infrastructure. Investments can support R&D, talent acquisition, and partnerships with local organizations.

Quick Service Restaurants (QSR): QSR startups could contribute to the local economy by enhancing the food and hospitality industry. Investment could go into technology-driven solutions for efficient order management, delivery logistics, and digital payment integration, while also promoting local culinary delights.

In J&K, creating a supportive startup ecosystem requires collaboration between the government, investors, educational institutions, and local entrepreneurs.

Investments that are aligned with the region’s unique challenges and opportunities, considering factors like connectivity, infrastructure, and cultural sensitivity are going to bear fruit.

Tailoring these startup trends to suit J&K’s specific needs can lead to impactful and sustainable economic growth and high returns on investments. Investment opportunities are beckoning to be grabbed.
