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A Night in a Hospital

I found the rich and the poor sharing the same room
11:04 PM Feb 04, 2025 IST | BILAL AHMAD KHANDAY
a night in a hospital

Hospital is a place where you really learn to value your health, your family, your relations, your friends, human emotions and feelings; because it is the place where you feel helpless. We all know that  life is very uncertain but we mostly forget this bitter reality because of some moments of joy and happiness. But once we get entangled in some unavoidable and harsh circumstances we soon come to the senses. So some places and moments are there in everyone's life which remind him the lesson of uncertainty. I too got reminded of this lesson once I had to spend a night in a hospital, a few days ago.

This happened when one of my friends called me by the evening, the moment I was relishing Nun Chai (salt tea) at home with my family. He helplessly requested me if I could accompany him to SKIMS, Soura. I drove him to the hospital quickly and he was admitted there for he was suffering from a severe abdominal pain. The moment we entered the casualty section, I realised how uncertain our life is. I found the rich and the poor sharing the same room, the same bed, the same blanket and even sharing the same plate.

Once we enter hospital, our individual identities, our egos, and our positions cease to exist as we are there on some other's mercy- the mercy of doctors, nurses and para medical staff. We have to follow certain guidelines and norms. When we see patients suffering from various ailments - sobbing, crying and wailing- we realise how precious our health is. We learn to value the importance of being healthy. This invigorates the value of thankfulness and gratitude.


When we observe patients and attendants in agony, and aspiring for some messiah to treat the pain and suffering, we realise how uncertain our life is. When we watch patients who crave for a sip of water, but that sip would worsen their health, we realise how ungrateful we are for we never realised the importance of having water freely at our own will and wish. When we see patients struggling to inhale a single breath on their own, we learn the value of free and automatic inhalation and exhalation. When we observe patients who are helpless for even a slight turn, we learn the value of free and voluntary movement. When we see hundreds of people, both rich and thepoor, sleep on the floor, we realise the importance of innumerable facilities we have in our homes. When we see people sleeping in the chilling cold under the open sky, we realise the importance of four walls.


The point is that we have honestly never realised the importance of facilities we have been bestowed by the Lord.


To conclude, being in a hospital, is a blessing in disguise because it is here where we learn the important lessons of life- life is uncertain, be grateful for what we are and what we have, be content with the limited sources, be patient in every situation, make humility your all time companion and be caring and compassionate, loving and affectionate towards your fellow humans irrespective of their individual identities .

