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2023— Lessons in the Dark

Humanity, a spectator in its own tragedy
12:31 AM Dec 31, 2023 IST | Syeda Afshana
2023— lessons in the dark

In the hushed tone of time,


the year 2023 unfolded.


A drape woven with


threads of climate’s lament.


Nature’s plea,


a quiet cry beneath the burden of change.



A year of whispers and growls.

Earth trembling,

not just with the tremors under its skin,

But with the seismic shifts of human folly.

Ecological harmony, once a serene melody,

Now a dissonant symphony of imbalance.

Trees weep, rivers wail,

as civilization turns a deaf ear.

In the dance of elements, floods surged like tears,

Nature mourned its own desolation.

Yet, we continued our reckless

dance with devastation.

Black smoke whispered tales of bombs,

A somber poem stamped across the skies.

Innocence butchered on the altar of battle.

Humanity, a spectator in its own tragedy.

Innocent lives, silent screams, a world numbed.

A montage of suffering

chained up with whips of apathy.

Refugees, nomads of despair, wandered.

Borders fixed in barbed wire, hearts in dismay.

Dehumanization scripted

in the languages of disregard.

In the man-made domain of silicon minds,

Humans and AI,

a tussle for supremacy,

a contest of creation and creator commenced.

Job markets, once lively bazaars of aspirations,

Resonated haunting footsteps of automation.

Breadwinners turned bystanders

in the theater of ‘progress’.

Economic algorithms, ruthless and cold,

Calculating profits in digits,

erasing livelihoods in binary.

The collateral damage of innovation,

an unsaid casualty of novelty.

Yet, amid the wretchedness,

whispers of hope transpired.

For in the crucible of chaos,

resilience found its voice.

Threads of compassion weaved

in the fabric of adversity.

In the midnight sky,

stars still blinked with stories untold.

A reminder that even in darkest nights, luster lives on.

Dark gets darker but gulps down dark realities.

And in the echoes of the year 2023,

lessons linger,

gradually getting immense and immersive.

For as long as there is breath,

there is a chance to recover and realize.

To rekindle the embers of sensitivity,

rewrite the narrative,

pass over the ugly phases.

For the year gone by is but a chapter,

not the entire tale!
