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12 sheep killed in landslide at Handwara

01:38 AM Apr 21, 2024 IST | TARIQUE RAHEEM

Kupwara, Apr 20: At least twelve sheep were killed after a landslide hit a cowshed at Dogger 'B' in Qaziabad area of north Kashmir’s Kupwara district.

According to locals, they heard a big sound at about 11 pm the previous night, following which they rushed to the spot and discovered that the cowshed of Mam Din Seer had collapsed.


"Although we launched a rescue operation and were successful in saving five sheep, a horse and a cow but could not save twelve sheep in the process," they added.

The residents said that since their area happens to be a landslide prone one, they have been pressing for a protection wall for a long time but the successive dispensations have failed to address this important issue. "The Rural Development Department has failed to come to our rescue even after approaching the department numerous times," they added.


The residents have appealed to the District Administration Kupwara to provide compensation to the affected farmer.

Later District Development Council Chairman Kupwara Irfan Sultan Panditpori visited Dogger to take stock of the situation. He assured of taking up this matter with the concerned department so that the affected farmer is provided compensation.

He acknowledged that this area happens to be a landslide prone area so the government should take a call on providing a protection wall here so that any eventuality may be thwarted in future.
